Beve is a perfume lover who enjoys sharing her passion for fragrance with other perfume connoisseurs and enthusiasts. She believes in the power of perfume to carry you on different fragrance journeys, from a nostalgic memory within yourself to an exotic destination not yet experienced.
Being able to envelope yourself with a fragrance that inspires such a breadth of feeling, an immediate sense of calm, an inspiration of confidence or the mesmerisation of seduction can be a powerful gift. Perfume is that gift for me.

Beve Scents launched as a YouTube channel in 2020 when Beve realized that with stores closed perfume lovers would now have to rely on accurate perfume reviews more than ever. Beve realized she could help other perfume lovers by describing not just what a perfume smelled like, but also the best occasion to wear it. Explore her perfume reviews.
Follow Beve on YouTube to see her latest perfume reviews.